Original Description:
Originally posted on: June 15, 2020, 3:47 AM UTC
MLP Next Gen: Cherry Burst
Name: Cherry Burst
Nicknames: Cherry, Bursty, Burst
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Unicorn
Occupation: school of friendship junior
Special talent: Basic Arts of magic enchantment
Relatives: Twilight Sparkle (birth Mother), Tempest Shadow (Mother), Evening Star (Half-Sister), Raspberry frizzle (younger brother), Twilight Velvet (Grandmother), Night Light (grandfather), Shining Armor (Uncle), Princess Cadence (Aunt), Princess Flurry Heart (Cousin), Prince Amadeus (Cousin), Princess Skyla (cousin)
Birthplace: Canterlot
Current Location: Ponyville
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: intelligent, Athletic, Secretive, knowledgeable, Sympathetic, Nimble, talented
Friends: Speedy Finish, Buttercream Icing Cupcake, Seashell Brush, Meadow Breeze
UPDATE: Edited the cutie mark for a better design.
Cherry Burst Belongs to me.
MLP belongs to Hasbro/Lauren Faust.
Base by: MelodySweetheart.
Base here: www.deviantart.com/melodysweet…