Original Description:
For Nightmare Night, Pinkie and her friends, all costumed up, go down the dense forest. Tall trees tower on our ponies with thick fog here and there covering the way back. Suddenly, they encounter monsters on their tracks! Her friends all terrified of the sudden appearance of the huge monsters, Pinkie as the musical, magical bard starts to strum her harmonious lute and sing out a song of happiness and a melody of determination. Her friends, terrified for her life, yell out to bring her back, but Pinkie laughs and plays some more, forming a layer of magic dust from her tunes to battle against the monsters.
Happy Halloween for everyone who celebrates it and I hope it’ll be a fun and scary night for all involved! I hope you enjoy this picture and perhaps give some helpful feedback.
It took me over 25 hours spread over three weeks to make this, hand-sculpting Pinkie Pie’s model along with making her clothing and costume. The lute that she’s holding was also modeled from scratch using several reference pics and painted using her own art from the Smile Song. Original concept of this image was based off the laughter song scene from the series premiere of MLP:FiM.