Original Description:
Originally posted on: January 9, 2018, 3:30 AM UTC
adopts #1-3 [closed]
**SB: 500Points **
**MI: 100Points **
**AB: 1700Points **
The auction ends 48 hours after the last bid!
light cherry blossom RULESlight cherry blossom
pink flower - F2U bullet After payment I send you a picture in good quality without a watermark
pink flower - F2U bullet Do not resell the character for the amount higher than the one you spent on it (the value of the art is added to the purchase amount)
pink flower - F2U bullet Resale on other sites is prohibited
pink flower - F2U bullet Resale for the next owner is prohibited!
pink flower - F2U bullet When reselling within 24 hours you must provide a link to the new owner
OWNER llmoonsetterll
OWNER Kvetina7
OWNER Анна Кусь