Original Description:
As the one who watched a new MLP movie, I can say I expected something worse than it actually is. The movie turned out to be quite a good adventure and the fact that is compatible with Generation 4 really satisfied me. To be honest, I thought they were going to sell us a poor remake of Friendship is Magic, but luckily I was wrong.I still think the 4th gen of MLP is the best of all time (and I hope it won’t be forgotten in time), but I can’t tell any bad word about the new Mane 5. The movie of Netflix is much much better than Ponylife which tried to be funny (too funny to be watchable…)Anyway, are you going to watch it or you’ve already done it? Do you have your favorite character yet? Imo Hitch (a stallion in the middle) made me laugh in a lot of moments and I just liked his “perfect cop” role. And of course, how these little pets accompanied him :D