Original Description:
Name: Chaotic Disruption
Parents: Fluttershy x Discord
Siblings: Lily Chaos Shy(older sister), Harmonious Heaven(oldest sister)
Gender: Male/filly(just the body type)
Species: Hybrid(half pony half discord(?))
Age: 12
~He’s kind but pretty chaotic like discord.
~He loves helping ponies but when he gets mad, he can destroy anything that comes in his way.
~He’s pretty social as compared to Fluttershy but is scared of meeting new creatures.
~He has total 4 horns on his head(2 on the right and 2 on the left)
~His eyes are different than any creature known to pony-kind.(he has 2 irises. One as the main one and one in the middle of the main iris and pupil(black part))