Original Description:
Originally posted on: October 21, 2015, 9:02 PM UTC
All You Need is Love Pt.1
This is a tribute to a few of the artists whose OCs have been featured on the TerriblePonies tumblr blog. I put “Part 1” up there somewhat loosely, because I’m not sure if I’ll do another set or not.
For those who don’t know, TerriblePonies is a place where people post pictures of OCs they’ve found that they feel are, well, terrible. Many of these images come off of dA, and the artists can face some really harsh criticism because of it. While I know that the blog itself strongly discourages people bashing the featured characters or making fun of the artists, people do anyway. Ponies featured on the blog are often ridiculed and made fun of because of their designs and/or backgrounds, many to the point of being removed from dA all together. So many times I clicked on links to see exactly what the bloggers were making fun of, only to find that the poor artist removed the piece, presumably from peer pressure. Those who tough it out often face a lot of insults and rude remarks on a character that shouldn’t matter to anyone else but they themselves. People often tell them their characters are “overused”, “overrated” “Mary-sues”. So many people try to tell these artists what to do, and not to do, with their own character- many times in a very rude way. Any constructive criticism, which, by the way, is almost never ACTUALLY ASKED FOR, is lost in a sea of hatred.
For all of you who have gone through this- I’m sorry. It’s not fair. It’s not right. No one has the right to judge your art based on what they think is good or bad, and if they think that somehow ridiculing your character is helping, then they’re a lost cause. Stay strong- I know you are. If you’re featured here that means that your character is still in existence, and that you’ve fought the hate this far. Kudos to you, artists~
Please people, don’t make fun of other people’s characters. Don’t bully artists just because you feel like they are “unoriginal and lazy” for picking the traits they wanted to use in a character. If the pony isn’t yours then it isn’t hurting you if it’s an alicorn, or has markings, neon, rainbows, or mixed species parts. Let people make their characters however THEY want to.
Because, in the end, these characters don’t need to change. They don’t need different colors, manes, tails, names, or backstories. All they need is love.
(Special thanks to KP-ShadowSquirrel for the pose references used here)
Featured Characters:
Hope belongs to Its-Commander-Cookie
Glimmer belongs to Its-Commander-Cookie
Rainbow Kawaii belongs to AppleJackS2
CryoFlare belongs to CryoflareDraco
Darkness Angel belongs to EnelaTheEndermen2