Original Description:
Originally posted on: July 14, 2017, 6:27 AM UTC
Honey Butter Ambrosia
—— Honey Butter Ambrosia
—— Cisfemale [She/her]
—— 27 yrs
—— Earth Pony
Relationships ::
—— Single [demiromantic | aexual]
—— ½ none [Crushing on no one]
—— Sugar Belle xx ??? (one-night-stand)
—— A longhair cream tabby with white, and pale green w/ big paws
—— Reference
—— above average size, thick legs and large hooves
—— Positive—— Negative—— NeutralTrivia::
—— Goes by full name when she’s in trouble or with family, Ambrosia by everyone, and Butters by those she loves (it is a great honor to call her butters - GREAT. HONOR.)
—— Slight alcoholic
—— Mom and dad were fianced for a year, but due to complications, the union was cancelled. She was born in secrecy, her father unaware of her existance
—— haemophobic, blood makes her pass out
—— extremely strong, but at birth was very weak
—— stress-cleans
—— learned her talent making ambrosia salads, but mainly prefers cleaning over baking
—— allergic to corny comments and pick-up lines. Symptoms include punching everything and everyoneMLP (c) hasbro
Character (c) mine