Original Description:
Life at Sweet Apple Acres goes on, but with a heavy coating of testosterone, masculinity, and horniness. The entire main Apple Family from Applejack to Bloom to even Granny were now stallions with a hunger for farm work and other “things”. Big Mac remained the same as always in his quiet nature, though was admittedly concerned about his new brothers and their tendency to masturbate a lot. He especially was a bit concerned about his new older brother, Graham Smith, and his interest in sharing Mac’s cider with the rest of Ponyville.
Then there was Sugar Belle, Mac’s wife and onlooker from the side, just watching it all unfold. She couldn’t believe it all, watching her new family radically change over the past few weeks. It was concerning, perhaps even a little frightening to the mare. Just some sweet mares turned into eager himbo workhorses.
Yet, deep within, watching her new brother-in-laws like Buck work and indulge in their new selves, she felt a hint of jealousy and want herself. They all seem so happy and content, like something awoke within them after changing and they found what they truly desired in themselves. It was hard for her to understand… but something within her wanted to be just like them and it steadily growing.
So one day, Sugar Belle went to Big Mac’s special cider storage and decided to indulge herself. Soon, everything felt different and new. Soon, everything felt so powerful and warm. Soon, everything felt so right. Her lovely mare form? No… what he wanted to be now was just like the other stallions~