Original Description:
Yeah… I know the dragonification of the Williams that I’ve did was rather based from Geoffrey McDermott’s Williams to ponies transformation art. So at one point why don’t I re-trace it but with a different path. Instead of turning into ponies… They turn into dragons. Although it took me almost 3 days to do this. Although for this one I actually wasn’t sure if Geoffrey would be okay with this. Even though there’s some differences between this and the original itself. Hopefully I wouldn’t get trouble for this but I had to get this out of my mind to re-draw a TF art with a twist.
And yeah I’ve used my recent designs of the dragonified Williams that I did. So yeah…
if you want to see the recent dragonified Williams design fully, here’s the link to it: >>2689084
or if you want to see the OG art that Geoffrey did here’s the link to it: >>1893552
Also if there’s any questions about the dragonified Williams, feel free to ask if you want.
Have a nice day to you all.