Original Description:
Only Princess Twilight guarantees harmony. Nothing will change in this regard. The future looks so bright
“Equestrian propaganda of success”
For the last 8 days you’ve been indoctrinated by nasty propaganda. It’s time to say “End of it!”
This is the last part of “Equestrian propaganda of succes”. I have no more interesting ideas. if you enjoy them - great! if not - even better :)
The impetus for creating this series was the picture with Princess Luna https://derpibooru.org/images/2691621. It was based on screenshot from polish tv newscast “Wiadomości” on TVP channel. The previous autor inserted Starlight and recoloured ZBS logo. I decided to “borrow” it and used to show others on the example of MLP the types of titles, which are shown in polish homes every day after 19:30 (7:30 PM) of Central Europe Time. I added each image at this exact time.
These titles had become so characteristic and memic that someone even created a generator, where everyone can write own title and get a genereted image with it. I used it too.
Is there a chance to the series return? Probably not.
let’s assume - Harrow