All created in Paint Tool.SAI
Paint Tool SAI 2015 Icon
It’s been a long, long while since I decided to design a range of characters to be up for adoption! But I decided as my motivation and inspiration is floating about, begging to be used; I carefully come up with new concepts of different species of ponies! <333
Honestly, they didn’t turn out so bad! These I’m deciding to be cheaper then normal because I’ve been desiring to see my designs to be used and liked by others. <33
Each adoption are at a set-price of £5.00/$7.50/650Points
For an extra £5.00/$7.50/650Points with an adoption, an additional sketch coloured waist-shot drawing of any character is added.
[£10/$15/1300Points=One adoption and One sketched coloured waist-shot drawing]
If paying with Paypal, I’ll message you my email and once the payment is accepted; I’ll privately note you the adoption/s that you’ve adopted separately.
If paying with points, lease send the points over through gifting and I’ll note you the ones that you adopted separably. <33
Golden and Black Beautiful Pegasus-Nihilego-Null
Pop-Rocks Traditional Rainbow Unicorn-xXMysticalDreamsXx
Goddess of Saturn Unicorn-MysteriousHuntress
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