Original Description:
Originally posted on: August 4, 2016, 9:04 AM UTC
Trust in me, I’m Sweet On You…
_System Shock held his breath as the glamour took hold of him, praying this time would be quicker than the first. Vendetta stood over him chanting the complex incantation that went along with the magic, gently whispering words of encouragement here and there as the noxious fumes leaking from his body changed from deep royal purple to a brilliant scarlet. A small hissing noise could be heard, comparable to water hitting a hot pan while stars shone in his vision and made his eyes swim.When finally it felt as if he could take no more and his stitches would burst, System shock felt a hoof lift him softly by the chin and found himself peering up into V’s large eyes.__“Just a bit longer Cher…then we won’t need this silly little spell anymore, will we?” She giggled, a strange sound that he often attributed to her changeling like tendencies. There was an odd trust formed between these sessions that fell entirely on him relying on Vendetta to not go overboard and depleat him of all life.Tonight had seemed especially dire when, at half past 3 in the morning, Vendetta had burst in and collapsed on the floor of Shock’s hovel, most unlike herself and giggling uncontrollably yet very apparent in great pain. She had struggled to gesture her intent before he had caught on and reluctantly prepared for the ritual she had so far preformed twice to his great discomfort.She seemed to be calming now as Shock fought to remember what exactly it was about this spell that helped Vendetta. He knew she had explained it once before but every time he tried to recall the memory it became as if watching edited film: he remembered her explaining that, like Vendetta herself, the fumes from his body existed outside of time and were key to preserving her here in what she referred to as “the past” but from there it became a hurried blur.
Someday he would remember to ask her about it but right now he just wanted to sleep…
Original Base:
New toy .:BASE:. by StoryOfMyBases