Original Description:
I’ve decided to give her a massive chance all over, with her body markings being a little less and complex, plus her having a cutie-mark since she’s actually has a talent was an add on I really wanted to do. ;;
I was kind of inspired by Zecora’s own cutie-mark to make it since it fits her design so well. <33
Name-Dov ‘Belle’ Dovah
Nicknames- Dov, Dovah [Means Dragon], Goat Lady, Belle
Species- Goat/Earth Pony Hybrid [Goat Mother, Earth Pony Father]
Personality-Mellow, Calm, Extremely Clever, Anti-Social, Hard-Shelled, Physiologically Minded
Sexuality-Asexual/hetero-romantic [Grey-Asexual] Asexual Flag by SomeStraightArtist
Relationship Status-Single
Things needed to know
-Dov Dovah has grown to be a pure vegan, believing in a healthy, plant based diet [Eating only vegetables, fruits and whole grain]
-Talented and Practices in herbal medicines, yet mainly creates/sells her own organic soaps and fragrances
-Her fur/hair is as soft as silk, from her own soaps and conditions
-She suffers from Hemophobia [Fear of Blood], Philophobia [Fear of Love/Falling In Love] and Tocophobia [Fear of Giving Birth]
Mainly having Anxiety over new opportunities.
-Studied in the past with Zebras about herbal medicines and spells; giving her the interest in making medical items from nature
-Always has her ears drooped, them being long and hanging. Plus hair grows along her back to the base of her tail
Dov the Goat is owned by :iconinspiredpixels:
Artwork belongs to :iconinspiredpixels:
Image details
Image size
4624x2574px 2.03 MB
Published: Aug 3, 2019
© 2019 - 2021 InspiredPixels