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Page 1571 - The Light That Shines
10th Aug 2021, 6:00 AM in Magical Mystery CureSometimes the transition from “adventuring peer of questionable morality bound to you by destiny and convenience” to “dependable friend” can sneak up on your PC relationships over the course of a campaign.
DM: I figure I don’t need to make you roll again – you got this.
Rainbow Dash: Probably not going to be a “10 seconds flat” job without my racing Cutie Mark, though.
Rarity: Perhaps not, but you can still fly and interact with the clouds directly, which is something I can’t do. And let’s face facts – I can’t match your raw speed, even with magic.
DM: Plus, at this level, you can use precise pegasus techniques like mini-tornadoes to blow the clouds away faster.
Rainbow Dash: …Okay, do you just have a whole LIST of awesome pegasus things that you haven’t told me about?
DM: No, I’m just kind of inventive on the spot like that. But I can make a list sometime. …Anyway, it’s not a “10 seconds flat” job, but easily within 10 minutes, Ponyville is enjoying perfect weather and beautiful sunshine again.
Rainbow Dash: Phew. Y’know what? I like being good at what I do. Who wouldn’t, right?
Twilight Sparkle: Alright, time for the Element– Wait, are you… tearing up?
Rarity: Oh, sorry. I just thought “I’m so lucky to have Rainbow as a friend” and now I don’t know how to feel.
Rainbow Dash: Yeah, I wouldn’t know either, to be fair.