Original Description:
Page 1569 - Doubly Shy
5th Aug 2021, 6:00 AM in Magical Mystery CureIt’s sometimes funny how, for narrative expedience, events progress to the worst-case scenario over the course of a single day, if not a matter of hours, if not minutes.
DM: It’s a simple matter to get Rainbow Dash free and untied. Though it does beg the question of how a bunch of cute critters were able to overpower our resident Barbarian…
Fluttershy: Did you fight them? Or…
Rainbow Dash: Just because I don’t like animals much, that doesn’t mean I’m gonna go all-out on them.
Fluttershy: Thank you. I really appreciate that.
Twilight Sparkle: Now that Fluttershy’s back to normal, what does Rainbow Dash’s Cutie Mark look like?
DM: It’s still three butterflies, same as Fluttershy now.
Rainbow Dash: So there’s TWO animal-language Cutie Marks in play? That’s weird.
Twilight Sparkle: Let’s fix you next, then!
DM: So it sounds like you’ll be taking Rainbow Dash to Rarity.
Rarity: Yes, that might be wise. If all our scenarios are deteriorating cartoonishly quickly like Rainbow’s did… then mine has the potential to be particularly catastrophic.
DM: You’re learning delightful lessons on how NOT to do weather control.