Original Description:
Name: Sparkling Apple
Age: 26
Kind: unicorn
Showstyle body type:Average stallion
Sex: male
Human Name: Addison
Gender: male
Nickname(s): Sparks
Theme song/s:
Voice actor: IDK
Voice Description: It’s,kinda raspy and high pitched
Likes:Apples,baking,reading,silence,books,practicing with his mother
Dislikes:Crowds,Loud noises,rock music,metal rock
Parents: Moondancer and Big machintosh
Sibling/s: None
Cousin/s: TBA
Uncles and aunts:applejack,Aplle bloom,Mornng Routine(aunts)
Usually found: libraries,the Canterlot Garden
Pets????:a bat
Special Talent/Cutie Mark: an Apple with
Occupation: Magic Student
Residence: Canterlot
Hometown: Canterlot
They parents met when Moondancer visited Twiligth in the castle.she met Big because he was playing that board game that I Cant remeber the name.they soon soon started a relationship from affar and later they married.
20 moons later they had Sparkling Apple.
Sparks was always a quiet Colt,since only half of the house talked he learned that it was normal to be quiet,He was taugth at home so he didnt have any friends at all,it make it rought for him when he went to college.being as antisocial as one could be.
Clever,arrogant,sarcastic and honest Sparks is a “social barrier”,he doesent want to talk to you and you can only talk to him if He Starts the conversation,if not he will teleport away.
Moondancer:He’s really close to her,they love being togehther,reading and practicing magic
Big mac:they’re not as close Big mac would want to
Fun Facts:
Loves reading alone and will teleport away if you try to talk to him
has a pat bat,his name is Juan (jew-ann,I think that’s how you pronounce it),he sends letters,like a dove would
Needs glasses to read
really stong magic,his speciallyty is making plants grow
He.HATES HIS NAME,he’s actally saving up to change it