Original Description:
Here’s Cake Pop!
To those of you who have been looking at my Next Gen, probably have noticed I already made a pony named Cake Pop. Well, that wasn’t my character. I was being completely lazy and used a design from someone else. After they told me about it, I apologized and deleted the other referenced art I drew. We’re on good terms now, but I still am sorry. I drew a design for Cake Pop my way, and it turned out better then I expected. If I didn’t copy someone else’s idea, I could of had a really great character, which is why I drew Cake Pop again.
Name: Cake Pop Pie
Age: 14
Gender: Cis Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Parents: Pinkie Pie, Cheese Sandwich
Siblings: Cheese Cake
Relatives: Limestone Pie (aunt) Minuette (aunt) Timewarp Pie (cousin) Maud Pie (aunt) Mud Brair (uncle) Pebble Pie and Cobblestone Pie (twin cousins) Marble Pie (aunt) Double Dimond (uncle) Mint Tea (cousin) Igneous Rock Pie and Cloudy Quartz (grandparents)
Type: Earth Pony
-mischievous (pulls pranks)
Cutie Mark/Special Talent
Cake’s cutie mark is a cake pop with multi colored sprinkles. Cake pops are sweet, and so is she! This represents her happy kind personality. She’s also good at baking sweets and pastries.