(MLP BASE 01) ZeroTwo is overrated sis
ZeroTwo is indeed an overrated waifu. So does Rem and Chizuru.
r u l e s f o r m y b a s e s
You can change the gender, race, or whatever.. don’t be shy.
Use it nicely! Do your best effort.. I don’t care if it’s too messy or you didn’t use the curve tool, all that
matters is you used it properly.
Credit me after using the base! (@ mainii-chan , : icon mainii-chan: (without the spaces)) Favorite it if you
wouldn’t want it to get lost. If you can’t find me, that’s okay. Just say that you credit the owner of the
base! (If you saw someone using my base without proper credit or CTTO, kindly send me a message or note abt that)
It’s fine if you frankdoll. Credit the other owner if you do.
Enjoy using! (UwU)
sauce: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (S1E12, Call of the Cutie)
My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro