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These are all of the Rarijack children! I had a brain-blast and thought Luster Dawn would make a perfect Rarijack child, what with her orange eyes (like Granny Smith and Apple Bloom) and Pear Butter’s curly mane!
At the moment there are only three other stallions in the immediate Apple Family, outnumbered by eight mares. Ashmeade is surrounded by so many women. Not that he’s complaining (much) but sometimes he can feel a little out of place. His older sisters constantly vie for an opportunity to drop some sage wisdom on their baby bro, while his little sister just wants to play and demands he teach her how he does his make-up.
More on the new and improved Applejack Kids:
Sophie Diamond - Rarity’s adult daughter from her relationship with Maud Pie, which ended peacefully. Maud loves her daughter, but with Maud being so busy with her research, Rarity took the helm on parenting Sophie. When Rarity married Applejack, it was a little hard for Sophie to acclimate, especially after Luster Dawn was born, but she’s an Apple through and through with an apple-shaped cutie mark to prove it! Sophie was never afraid to get dirty and would dutifully help Applejack on the farm. She now lives in Manehattan, apprenticing with Prim Hemline, developing her own avant-garde, highly unconventional clothing line.
Luster Dawn - Rarity and Appplejack’s biological daughter through magical transformation. She’s a spunky, curious mare that was instantly infatuated with magic the moment she met Twilight Sparkle. Despite AJ trying her best to get her daughter to love tending apples as much as she did, Luster had her mother’s “prissy” side, as AJ liked to tease. Luster hates getting dirty and maintains a pristine, organized room. As soon as she could she left the farm to attend the School of Friendship, and of course graduated with extremely high marks. She’s on her own path now, training under Spike’s guidance, as he also works in Canterlot now (more on Spike later), to become a friendship ambassador. Both AJ and Rarity are very proud of their daughter, but they wished she could come home more often. It’s not a long train ride from Canterlot.
Ashmeade - Y’all know Ashmeade. He’s a foul-mouthed little hellion that loves being covered in mud. He also loves spa days with Rarity, as well as trying on her beautiful dresses and he is a champion of make-up. But his true passion lies in cooking, something he picked up from Applejack. Instead of going to the School of Friendship, he decided to enroll in the Canterlot Culinary School, working under Zesty Gourmand. Ashmeade makes a point to visit his family on weekends.
Autumn Glory - the youngest and last Rarijack child. After Ashmeade left home, Rarity and AJ felt prematurely empty-nested. So they had another baby; a little babu that just loves her mommies and helping them with whatever they need. And of course she absolutely adores her auntie Apple Bloom and uncle Mac. She’s a little younger than Linzer Torte (Pinkie Pie’s son), but Linzer loves visiting his little Apple “cousin.” Autumn can get a little lonely without other kids to play with yet (she’s still too young for school), so she looks forward to visits from her big brother.