You join Furia Storm’s side, and with a reassuring hoof around her shoulders, you encourage her to talk to the cheering ponies.
After a moment of hesitation, she reluctantly steps forward, and takes a deep breath.
Furia Storm: “Okay, alright… ponies. Uh. It was nothing, really. So… why don’t you just… go on home, or something.”
As the siren finishes her almost inspiring speech, a stallion in formal attire arrives at the beach, to who the coast guards stand at attention.
Captain: “Aye aye, troops, return to your posts. Unit Clear Skies, go get some rest.”
Most of the coast guards salute before taking their leave. The stallion then turns to your party.
Captain: “I’ve been looking for you, travellers. I am Captain Moor, the mayor of Amblerta.
Reports tell me that this young lass here be the one who saved my city from that beast. Impressive. Well, I say this calls for a celebration tonight, and it would be an honour to have you join us. What say you and your friends to a feast?”
Furia Storm: “A party. Are you serious.”
Furia Storm glances over to you, then unconvincingly attempts to cover up her deadpan demeanor.
Furia Storm: “I-I mean, suuure! That sounds… fun. Right…?”
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