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Original Description:
Here we are, once more with two beloved ponies together in love and the comfort of each other. A mother and her foal now together after mama Galaxia went through her tribulations and tasks of her royal duties for most of the day. What with husband Speedy Hooves volunteering to take the night court shift for the time being it allows the Queen to relax somewhat easier when she is off shift. Her Luna component still alert and assisting her husband through the maintenance and safeguarding of ponies dreams. However at this moment in time duty is not set on Galaxia’s mind, as the maternal motherly instincts kick in and she desires to have her baby in her arms. The small banana colt embracing the loving warmth of his mother’s barrel before succumbing to her soft silky voice and her calming reassuring words. In no time the child from across worlds is fast asleep in her hooves, the mares within Galaxia staring and feeling the collective relief and happiness the sight of their content colt brings them. For she would bring down the wrath of the sun and moon, or harness the powers of love and friendship themselves if it meant keeping her baby safe and happy. Even now she coos to him, offering him promises of protection and an undying love that any mother should have for their child. Truly a special bond indeed…