nihilagis said:
Moving, huh… well, right now, that’s neither here nor there. Maybe we’ll see about that with Moony, but for the time being, thank them for the offer, and ask Merry May what that “I wonder” was about. You’re always on the lookout for opportunities!
You thank Parasol, and curiously ask Merry May what she was daydreaming about just now.
Merry May: “Huh? Oh, nothing important!”
She offers a sheepish smile, then her attenion is drawn to Moonflower landing nearby.
Moonflower: “I’m back! Ooh, looks like ya made lots of friends!”
You invite Moonflower to join your side, and take a moment to introduce her and the four pegasi to each other.
Parasol: “What’s wrong with your wings?”
Derpy: “Hey, don’t be rude! I think she looks pretty.”
Merry May: “I like her cutie mark.”
Moonflower: “Heehee! Thanks! My wings are different ‘cause I’m a bat pony. See?”
Sunshower Raindrops: “I don’t think I’ve ever met a bat pony before. I thought they lived underground, and only came out at night.”
Moonflower: “Yuh uh! Most of us do, but Trailblazer got me this cap to keep the sun outta my eyes, so now we can go on adventures together!”
Merry May: “Are you both adventurers? That’s so romantic!”
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