After putting away the mail, you return to the kitchen.
Moonflower: “Oh, by the way! You’re outta milk. Gonna have to go get a new bottle later.”
You say that you’ll keep that in mind, and give Moonflower a grateful smooch for making breakfast.
Moonflower: “Heehee… it’s nothin’.”
Seeming pleased with herself, Moonflower serves two bowls of porridge, and brings them to the table.
You sit down, and begin to eat. The porridge is light and tasty, and makes for an energizing breakfast.
Moonflower: “So, got anythin’ planned for the day?”
You consider going to the Rainbow Meadows this morning, and meet the pony who sent you the mysterious scroll yesterday.
Moonflower: “Oh yeah, let’s do that! I’m feelin’ good ’bout today.”
You feel satiated.
The clock on the wall indicates a quarter to eight.
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