You ask Crystal Charm where ponies usually sit to eat.
Crystal Charm: “Just outside, in the park. Follow me!”
Crystal Charm takes the two bowls of gruel, and leads you outside. You walk along the road to the park together, where you pick a spot on a grassy hill.
Crystal Charm: “Here you go, Blazer. Let me know what you think, alright?”
You sit down next to the unicorn, and take the offered bowl. After thanking her for the food, you begin to eat.
The gruel tastes surprisingly good. Its rich texture and sweet flavour mix together into a homely warmth that chases away the shivers of the creeping night.
You can’t help but compliment Crystal Charm on her cooking.
Crystal Charm: “Aw, I’m glad you like it.”
As the sun sets behind the horizon, shadows begin to cover the land.
You feel satiated.
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