Original Description:
There is no pony more hated than Void Quiz in changeling occupied Equestria, the leader of the national reorganisation government. Known for his long and dry speech on thanking the changelings for relieving Equestria from her tyrant princesses and the claws of communism on radio, his name had become the name of traitors and collaborators ‘quizlings’.
Though his claim of power over the state, the real power lays within the Changeling military administration who often ignore his opinion and ideas while squeezing Equestria off every drop of resources she had.
Void Quiz and his army of bandit mercenaries and mostly desperate POWs from the endless camps marches forward. With only what the changeling is willing to give from the outdated captured equestrian equipment. He was given a task to cleanse the countryside, an unspoken exile from his friends and ally in the Changeling military.
But Void Quiz has not given up, his vision stays true of a strong Equestrian Republic ridded of communist influence, and this exile might be the chance he needs to free himself from his ‘friends’ and truly achieve his goals.
But there are many in his army also noticed the opportunities of this exile, a chance to jump on the stage, or even a chance rule over Equestria…
—The army marches forward into the anarchy of ‘free Equestria’—