Original Description:
Big Mac fidgeted timidly and looked at himself in the full length mirror. With an incredulous look he glanced over at Rarity.
“Uh, Rarity. Are ya sure ya got them instructions correct?” He glanced down at the very short maid’s outfit he was now wearing. “I think maybe ya got Sugar Belle’s costume and mine fer Nightmare Night mixed up?”
The fashionista glanced up from a red satin bow she was finishing up for Mac’s outfit and smiled. “Oh no darling! Sugar Belle’s instructions were very exact, precise, and explicit.”
The stallion blushed. “But this here is outfit is–”
“They were very exact, precise, and explicit dear!” The unicorn interrupted him. Then grinned impishly. “Very explicit.”
I’m sure Sweetie Belle’s very pleased with herself too…now that she has her own maid. ;3