Original Description:
To help drum up some advertising for their bar, Gaela decides to pose for a couple of postcards. The Eiffel Tower, pub and dining, is the place to be on Hearts and Hooves Day. There’s food, drinks, and plenty of entertainment. Stop on by and Gaela will be your hostess for the afternoon… and maybe only drink like half of your order. It’s fine, don’t worry about it! ;)
You can probably tell when this pic was created, can’t you? This was one of two pictures made for our server’s ‘Hearts and Hooves Day’ art event… and yeah, entering OCs probably isn’t like the toppest form but I was wanting to draw my griffon again so it just came to be. Also, whatever you do, don’t read or attempt to play the notes on the music sheet by the piano. Trust me on this.
Also, pic does have alcohol in it, so I’m not sure if it’s ‘safe’ or ‘questionable’… marked it safe for now but if that’s wrong, feel free to update the tag. Questionable looked like it only applied to sexual stuff, not themes or stuff like that.
Just a simple cute pose, hope you guys enjoy! I think I’ll post my other H&H day pic next, which is my favorite of the two. See you soon!