The longest artwork I have possibly done that took me around 24-28 hours in total
It’s because this is the first time I ever tried to improve/change my artstyle
It consisted of me doing multiple things to improve:
Trying out a new pony artstyle
Learning how to do better shading(Especially the hair, it wasn’t that good here)
Creating the environment with my own style
With those three things, it really took me a while.
And it’s probably because I barely set 75% of my focus on this artwork in the whole January
And yeah, I actually started this art project since January 14
And I DO NOT wish to see any small errors because even if there is, I prolly won’t change it at all due to how much time I put to this and then even after that, there’s still a small detail error I couldn’t fix
I hope you enjoy my new art and style (Probably won’t be my typical style)
I am looking forward to improving my arts in the future.
I’m actually proud of how this turned out
(But not exactly my expectations xD)