Now, this cover is remarkably well overdue, but it was not for lack of activity. Rather, this cover stands out far more than the previous covers because of two features. First, none of the background components save the My Little Pony logo were created by any outside party, using merely color samples from screencaps from the show. Second, the characters were drawn in much higher resolution than in the previous two covers, at the behest of my friend Stelar-Eclipse. Good on you, mate!
As far as designs go, most everybody is based off of the ‘Unique Style’ of StarryOak, most especially to be noted in Discord’s swirling spiral eyes and in Maud’s facial features.
Peace has found Equestria once more, and they have had their Queen of the Night returned to them! But a dark figure who looms over Equestria’s past returns to the present: Discord. The chimerical despot over Equestria in a bleaker age threatens to throw the stable regime into a dominion of anarchy. Worse still, he has removed his one weakness, the Elements of Harmony, from the equation. How will Twilight Sparkle defeat the draconequus deity without the Elements of Harmony? How will her and her friends stay in unity without the Elements? And what connection does Discord have to Equestria’s Queens…?