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29th Dec 2020, 6:00 AM in A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2Probably the easiest and most disappointing mistake to make as a DM is to say to yourself, “Okay, surely now the players will start taking this seriously.”We took this holiday week off as far as Spudventures go, but next week we’ll be starting our Vampire mini-campaign in earnest!
Rarity: Well, THAT got serious in a bit of a hurry.
DM: It wasn’t serious before?
Rainbow Dash: Nah, it was kinda goofy until now.
DM: Regardless: The changelings above dive into the city, wreathing themselves in caustic green magic for a crash-landing.
Applejack: So, uh, run?
Rarity: Running sounds good.
Twilight Sparkle: Full speed ahead!
DM: You gallop through the streets of Canterlot, bombarded by changelings landing like mortar shells around you.
Pinkie Pie: Do they make bug-splat sounds when they land?
DM: No. …Well, their magic kind of splashes on impact, and– Nevermind. One lands directly in front of your group. The changeling bares its fangs and hisses at you. What do you do?
Twilight Sparkle: I don’t even pause. I stomp on its head and keep running!
Pinkie Pie: Goomba stomp!
DM: …Well, so much for getting all serious and dramatic.
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