
Instead of Bon Bon, I decided that this year, the biggest pony would be Rarity as a celebration of the “My Biggest Pony” commercial that was shown six years ago on the Hub. In this image, Rarity wishes she was the biggest pony out of anyone, and her wish was granted. With this new fond of power, she showed everypony how powerful she is, making her even stronger than the alicorns and pegasi ponies.
Which pony do you think would be the next biggest pony for next year? Leave a comment below, because that would really help make me do a suggestion for next time.
Give this image a like, and give a decision on whether you think this one was better, or the Bon Bon version being better. If you think both of them are better, that will make things 200 times more perfect. And remember, giant ponies will rule forever!



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