The cold wind howled across the equestrian plains. The residents of Ponyville, tired from their festivities, were now all home, snug in their beds.
As if from nowhere a bloodcurdling shriek could be heard echoing across the barren fall slopes. At first quiet but then all to imminent, screaming “Pretty Mare! PRETTY MARE!!” Those who saw ‘it’ reported the following. ‘A ghoulish fiend clad in mint green, holding her own head aloft. She tore across the slopes like a batpony out of tartarus, all the while screaming her obscenities. She rode a mighty steed, muscular and fierce.’ Though what drew the eyes and fears of the poor residents more an anything else was the blazing jack o’ lantern placed atop her head. her mouth grinning widely, wreathed in spectral flames.
It was at that time that a particularly bold stallion was seen exiting his humble farming cottage to challenge the beast. “lyra posting is kinda cringe” he cried, summoning his courage, honesty and resolve. His cries fell on upon the ears of the horseman who then trotted her steeds heavy hooves down upon the poor farmer with the might of Celestia! His body would be crippled by the specters merciless attacks but so too would his mind, for to this day he is incapable of saying all but the following words. “She’s very pretty, I can tell.”
She came as fast as she went and many questioned if what they saw was real. but the deep hoofprints left behind and injuries to the poor farmer would confirm that Ponyville was indeed haunted by a very pretty mare.
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This art was streamed on Picarto! Tune in to for more!