Community Collab Image 2024 This year's collab will be beginning soon. Vote for which theme you'd like to see!


We’re not leaving! They helped us reach Midgard and getrid of the Philosopher’s Stone. It’s only fair that we now help them, too.
However, we should at least try to defuse the situation. Disarmed the guards and remove their armors, then wake them up and give them a chance to explain themselves. Maybe there’s still a small chance that we can resolve this peacefully. Taking them hostage should only be the last resort, because it give the Order of the Dawn the perfect justification for an attack.
You tell Justice that you have no intentions of leaving now, and your party nods in agreement. You’re in this together!
Justice: “If you’re sure, then I’d be glad to have you on our side. I’ve seen what you can do firsthoof, and we could use the outside perspective.”
Speaking of which, you suggest trying to befriend the guards rather than capturing them. From your experience as outsiders, ponies from the Order of Dawn have been somewhat reasonable, and having them as allies could be a great step toward a peaceful resolution.
Justice: “That’s the worst plan I’ve ever heard. But if you think we can avoid conflict, then it might just be worth a try. I don’t trust them not to try anything, though, so let’s at least strip them of their armour.”
On that you can agree, if only to get a better look at the two knights’ strapping, toned bodies. The unicorns begin to undo the unconscious pair’s equipment, revealing a blue-coated stallion with a flowing black mane, and a brown-coated stallion with unkempt amber hair.
Justice: “That’ll have to do. Now, to wait for them to wake up…”
As you wait, Moonflower decides to brew some medicine to ease the guards’ inevitable headaches, while Apple Basket begins to cook some lunch for everyone using supplies from the sailboat. Soon, the wind carries the sweet smell of apple-flavoured oatmeal, rousing the two knights.
Brown knight: “Huh…? Y-you! You’re the heretics who resisted arrest!”
Justice: “Oh, good. You’re awake. Before you try anything rash, you might want to reconsider; you’re unarmed and vastly outnumbered.”
Blue knight: “… So it seems. What would you have of us?”
Novelty: “Words. I’m the one you’re looking for, aren’t I? Well, why don’t we talk like adults do?”
Blue knight: “Given the alternative, you don’t leave us with much of a choice.”
Apple Basket: “Uh, I don’t mean to butt in, but lunch is ready. Y’all hungry?”
The knights hesitate, but eventually accept bowls of oatmeal from Apple Basket — and some herbal tea from Moonflower — with nodded thanks. As they begin to eat, they look visibly surprised at how flavourful the food is compared to Midgardian cooking, almost to the point of being suspicious.
Still, the fruity meal fills everyone’s belly with a satiating warmth that betters the mood, dissipating some of the tension in the air.
Novelty: “So, if you don’t mind me asking, why am I suddenly a wanted mare?”
Brown knight: “I don’t think there’s any harm in reminding you of your crimes. For creating a sorcerous weapon that represents a danger for all of Midgard, you are to cease and relinquish all research and development, and face a penalty for misemployment of funds.”
Novelty: “Dear me. Who decided that, and when exactly?”
Brown knight: “We are told the orders came directly from His Majesty, King Empyrius himself.”
Blue knight: “Word reached the Abbey of Pontra yesterday, minutes after midnight, as I recall.”
Novelty: “How interesting. The only danger I encountered two nights ago is the one my equinculus defeated; a nightcrawler that ambushed me an hour or so before midnight, while I was conducting my very first field test.
Despite your questionable morals, you tinheads wouldn’t let anypony get hurt, so I think it safe to assume that no patrols were in the area. And seeing as I never wrote a report of my findings that day, how did the Crown himself learn of them within the hour? The timing is too perfect.”
Blue knight: “… Speak plainly. What are you implying?”
Novelty: “Well, we both know that Empyrius only allows his trusted guards near him. So unless somepony saw something and sent the realm’s fastest informant to Elysia, then the only thing that went to your King that night was the nightcrawler’s essence returning to its source.”
Brown knight: “Heresy! Y-you must be lying!”
Justice: “What if she isn’t? Think about it: the knights of Astora would have arrested her long before sending word to the Crown. It’s impossible for him to know what she did if they don’t.
And you know what? I’m curious to hear the Order’s side of the story. Why don’t you head to Astora, and learn what the locals know about what happened that night? If there was a witness, that’s where you’ll find them.”
Blue knight: “You seem confident. Very well. One of us will travel to Astora, while the other will remain here to ensure that you don’t escape.”
Justice: “Likewise, we’ll be keeping an eye on you so you don’t run off to fetch reinforcements. Rocket?”
Rocket Rush: “You can count on me!”
Blue knight: “A fair arrangement, given the circumstances. Your accusations are grave, yet we are hard-pressed to grant you the benefit of the doubt. If there is any truth in what you claim, then it merits further investigation.”
With that said, the brown knight takes a moment to gather his equipment, then he and Rocket Rush head east toward Astora, leaving the rest of you to peacefully await their return.


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