Introducing Indigo Strap and Velvet Strap, the brother/sister tag team you might remember me mentioning in the description of my Cruelfeather upload~ ^ ^
The Strap Twins where born into extreme poverty in the streets of Canterlot, their mother sadly passed away due to birth complications and their father was quite sickly, eventually joining his wife when they where four years old. Growing up in the orphanage made them highly protective and reliant upon each other, and they developed an “us-against-the-world” attitude.
It was from this that they taught themselves how to use their magic to defend each other and they discovered their special talent for tickling. They would go on to abuse this talent for their own gain, acting as a double-team of thieves with a signature tactic:
Once they isolated a victim and brought/herded them to a secluded location, they would use their magic to gang-tickle torture them and make off with their valuables while they where…incapacitated~ X3
They went on doing this for about seven years before they where finally lead into a sting by the Canterlot Guard and caught red-hooved. With plenty of witnesses for the trail, they where soon sent to the Canterlot Palace Dungeon. Their sentence carried a note of irony to it: To be tickle tortured every day for ten months by the Royal Tickler himself, Cruelfeather.
Little did they know how their fortunes would change upon meeting their captor, and how they found a “respectable” profession in Canterlot Society after all~ ;3
Alternate version to come right after this upload, as always feel free to offer critique and criticism. Hope you’re all having a great day, everypony~ ^ ^
Thank You, Pumpkin~ :‘3
Maybe one day (if I can afford a tablet and proper tools for the task), I’ll go back and remake them properly. For now, I’m just glad I could get them done in time.
Fantastic job, sweetiepie! I’m very proud of you :’3