I picked the United Kingdom for Twilight as it is the country most associated with both magic and science. As for Ireland, I didn’t want to separate Spike from his big sister/mother :)
Ireland - Dragons are a big part of Celtic mythology. www.deviantart.com/dashiespark…
England - The British Library is home to more books than any other library in the world. www.deviantart.com/90sigma/art…
Northern Ireland - It is historically known for its industry and engineering, which fits Twilight’s science-y side. www.deviantart.com/jhayarr23/a…
Scotland - It’s national animal is a unicorn. www.deviantart.com/puetsua/art…
Wales - It has most castles than any other country in Europe + it’s home to Gladstone’s Library, the United Kingdom’s only residential library where you can sleep among the books. www.deviantart.com/luckreza8/a…
The map is from www.pinclipart.com/pindetail/T…
Twilight Sparkle and Spike belong to Hasbro.
If Wales was Spike, then the rest of the U.K. would have to be Spike. Then we would just have the same issue with Twilight being Ireland instead of Scotland.
>Wales is not a dragon
If you say that to an Irishman… Oh boy.