Just a quick primer, She’s a mail mare happy with her job, but has dreams of becoming a dancer on Bridleway. She eventually meets her boyfriend Hoops, a star sports pony, while living in a small apartment with her younger sister in Manehattan.
Ditzy and Hoops were schoolmates in Cloudsdale, later on they unknowingly became penpals, and formed a relationship a little while later.
Loopson is just one of the kids I give them. They end up with 4 kids in total: Gosline aka Rosy, Dipsy Dots aka Bright Eyes, Ollie Airwalk and Loopson.
Ditzy used to be a champion duck herder and has several trophies she’s very proud of.
I made Ditzy and Dinky sisters for the heck of it. In my headcanon Dinky Do is a magitek programmer. Both sisters decided to stick together and support each other to achieve their adulthood dreams, thus their decision to move to Manehattan together.