Dr. Zoe grew up in a kitchen, tasting, baking, and decorating sweets of all kinds. She slowly grew sick of all the sugar. The day she found an outdated medical manual in her parents small library was the day her eyes opened. Life in the medical field, away from all the sticky saccharin pastries and cringe inducing peppiness sounded wonderful, a breath of fresh air. She studied her new favorite book in secret, fearing her parents would disapprove. Throughout her early adolescence, Zoe checked out medical textbooks in secret from the Golden Oaks library and read them under candle light in her room. One day her mother Mrs. Cake caught her reading late at night, and Zoe quickly tried to explain. She thought her parents would hate her, but that was far from the truth. Mrs. Cake was shocked and utterly joyous at her daughter’s interest in medicine, and quickly comforted her scared daughter. From that day onward Zoe’s parents supported her interests and her decision to change her name, and Zoe never had to hide again. Nowadays she’s a bit standoffish, but she still loves her parents and enjoys her job as a physiotherapist.
Nurse Page Turner
Son of Ditzy Doo and Time Turner, Page grew up with little direction. His mother encouraged him to be who he wanted to be, but he didn’t know who that was. His father exposed him to many different fields of interest as a child, hoping one would be his talent. Pony families often had a central theme when it came to special talents, but their family wasn’t so lucky. Ditzy and Time had very different talents, so Page had no idea what his destiny would be. He was disappointed when he earned his cutiemark, it was a book. Sure he loved reading but a book? What kind of talent was that? What did it even mean? To this day he doesn’t quite understand his mark, but regardless he accepts it. Unfortunately his ‘talent’ didn’t lend itself to a job, so he hopped on over to a university and got his nursing license.
Nurse Sweet Heart
Sweet Heart had been a nurse for many years, and she took pride in her job. She originally worked at Ponyton General Hospital but she was laid off and decided to seek work in Canterlot. She had always dreamed of living in the capital city, but her dream was nothing like the reality. The ponies there were mean, so inappropriately mean. She found work at St. Lux Rehab Center but each negative encounter brought her down lower and lower. She was already contemplating quitting and moving back to Ponyton when Tequila threatened her life.
Mr. Fluffy Clouds
Mr. Fluffy is a volunteer therapist with a background in child rearing and not much else. Volunteers like him are really only around because St. Lux can’t afford to hire trained professionals. He’s not good at his job as Step-One group therapist but at this point firing him would be a bigger detriment than keeping him around. On the plus side he has a positive attitude and decent conflict resolution skills.
Mr. Corn
Corn may not be a licensed therapist, but he has good intentions. As a former alcoholic himself, he understands his patient’s plights and has some decent advice on the topic of addiction. Corn is a simple stallion, he sees someone upset so he lends them an ear. He tends to drone on when he talks and has a hard time getting to the point, but despite this he’s a decent group leader and receives little complaint from those he oversees.