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ETH: 0xC41132ad4627FBfBd0d1712A27B268a06278eE50 | BTC: bc1qeyw3e72pcylque89r2940hhfzrz339kxuvruun

Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: 20
Special Talent: Astronomy, but mostly studies planets
Nicknames: MarMar (by parents), Stars (by Light)
Special somepony: [none]
Parents: Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry
Likes: Quiet, the night sky, reading, Lights Blaze, a nice nap under a tree
Small bio:  
Since she was a small filly, she always had a certain ‘connection’ with the night sky. She would sit and talk for hours on end with her retired auntie, Luna, about the celestial bodies they could see in the sky. For giving Luna some much needed talking with someone else besides Tia time, Mars was gifted a rock from the moon itself when she was about 9. When she was studying the moon rock is when she got her cutiemark, a planet inside of a magnifying glass. To this day she keeps it hidden where no one can touch it, as a safe keep. In her teen years she would hang out with the other mane six kids, but mostly Rainbow’s first son, Lights Blaze. There was just something about that abhorrent cockyness that got her to listen to him babble about how many rewards he had gotten. It wasn’t till she was teased by another mare that she realized that she had a crush on him, and it soon became apparent that he had one on her too. Constant teasing is something shared on both ends noe in their ‘courtship’, but mostly Mars does it.

safe2252422 artist:lepiswerid74 oc993986 oc:mars (lepiswerid)3 bat pony78737 pegasus695939 pony1919697 black background9901 colored hooves12596 colored wings14487 cutie mark62305 fangs42244 feathered fetlocks1074 female1704639 height difference2539 lineless5674 marsverse33 offspring48977 pansexual374 pansexual pride flag578 parent:flash sentry3690 parent:twilight sparkle9992 parents:flashlight3123 pride5210 pride flag4546 reference6017 reference sheet19058 simple background622744 solo1525704 sparkles10138 story included12888 tail feathers1316 uninterested49 winged hooves139 wings234709


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