
“You’ll never believe what happened to me today, Nina.” A grey mare commented while walking through the front door of her family home. “You’re right, I won’t believe a word you say” her sister scoffed “so what has happened today in Merris land?” -  
“I met a mare. A really nice one. I think I might just be in love.” Merris said while leaning over the end of the couch her sister was sprawled out on.  
    Nina’s posture perked up at the sound of her sisters news. “You’re right. I don’t believe that.” She said with a playful yet surprised expression. -  
    “Oh I mean it Nina! She says that she’s new in town because of work. We accidentally bumped into each other at the park.” Merris recalled, using a hoof to play with her hair. “It felt like we talked for hours.”  
    Nina sat up completely straight “wait, new in town?”  
    “For work?”  
    “Yeah, yeah.”  
    “Does this mare have light purplish hair? Black coat?”  
    “Uh, yeah,” Merris answered, feeling slightly uneasy “how did you know?”  
    “It so happens I ‘bumped’ into a flirtatious mare in the park the other day. Same story. I wasn’t buying into any of that, it was obvious she was a player looking for a fling.”  
    Merris sat still for a moment, thinking herself over.  
    “You should stay away from her. I’ve heard some nasty things about her even though she’s fairly new to the area. Sounds like bad news if you ask me,” Nina returned to her lazy position on the couch, having no intent in continuing the conversation.  
    “I’ll take your word sis,” %%~  
    “Meeeer,” a voice called above the trying-to-ignore-everyone mare.  
    “Hey mer,” she cheered, landing in front of Merris “are ya ignoring me by any chance?” She inquired, a sly grin creepy across her face. -  
    Merris trotted around the stunned Cloudy in a huff. “Don’t call me Mer, my name is Merris.”  
    “Ah, fiesty” Cloudy remarked, following closely behind her. She wasn’t giving up just yet.  


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