“Anything to make you feel a little better, honey.” Fluttershy smiled softly and took a seat beside her wife and the princess. Twilight rubbed Rarity’s back with her hoof, a sad expression on her face.
“Do you think I made the right decision Twilight?” Rarity asked, her eyes red from tears. Twilight hugged her friend close.
“I can’t say for sure Rarity, but what I do know is that because of you, a foal will get the chance to grow up and experience love and friendship. The gift of life is one of the greatest of all.” Twilight smiled and Rarity smiled back before turning to her wife.
“Will you raise this child with me Fluttershy?” Rarity asked, her eyes sparkling.
“I can’t believe you would even ask that.” Fluttershy put a hoof over her heart. “Of course I will raise the foal with you, I’ll love him or her with all of my heart. In fact, I already do.” Fluttershy smiled and rested her head on Rarity’s shoulder. Rarity began tearing up, and moved to hug Fluttershy. “Now, let me go check on those tea cakes. Spike, will you help me? The pans are very hot.”
“Sure Shy!” Spike replied with pep. He hopped off the couch and walked to the kitchen with Fluttershy. Filet stretched her body out on the couch that she shared with Spike, cracking her back and legs as she relaxed.
“So I’m gonna be a big sister?” Filet grinned at her mom.
“Yes you are sweetie.” Rarity nodded.
“Sweet, I’ll teach them how to skin a squirrel!” Filet’s tail wagged back and forth in excitement. Rarity giggled and Twilight playfully rolled her eyes.
“Filet sweetie, come here.” Rarity patted the spot beside her where Fluttershy had sat. Filet did as she was told and settled down beside her mother.
“Have I ever told you the story of your name?” Rarity stroked her daughter’s mane.
“No. There’s a story?” Filet questioned.
“Of course dear, every name has a story. Why don’t I tell you yours?” Rarity lifted her daughter’s head with her hoof and nuzzled her snout with her own.
“Not too long ago, Pinkie Pie was called to the Canterlot castle by Queen Celestia. Being her friends, the girls and I traveled to Canterlot with her, where we found out that Pinkie Pie was to be the royal baker for the Grand Galloping Gala. Pinkie Pie excitedly accepted, but we discovered that Pinkie Pie wasn’t the only chef called to the castle. A rough yet sophisticated griffon by the name of Gor-don had also been called on by Celestia, to create his extravagant dishes for the ponies and griffons who were coming to the gala. Being a griffon, he created something no pony had ever seen, it was called a filet mignon.”
“Like my name!” Filet interrupted with excitement.
“That’s right Filet, just like your name. Now, being a pony, I had no idea what this new dish was. Gor-don, the clever devil, convinced us to try his food before he sent it out to the ball room. We could barely chew it, but it was delicious non-the-less. I fell in love with the flavor and the name itself, it sounded so prestigious!” Rarity chuckled nervously. “It was only months later when we were at the castle for a consult that we told Celestia of that night and she informed us of what we were really consuming.” Rarity and Twilight cringed.
“Well, what was it?” Filet asked eagerly.
“We…we were eating cow, sweetie. That pompous trickster had convinced us to eat meat. But as disgusted as I was, I had to admit that I very much liked the food I had ate. Despite the source…” Rarity cleared her throat. “Anyway, you were already in my tummy by the time we found out, and I had already named you. I don’t know why I didn’t just change your name, but when you were born, it seemed to fit so well. Maybe it was your fangs, or the way you chewed up your pacifier, but the name seemed to suit you.” Rarity smiled fondly down at her daughter.
“I wanted to name you Mince Minx.” Fluttershy piped up as she walked towards the couch. Spike was holding a hot tray of tea cakes in his claws behind her. The pegasus sighed and sat down on the couch across from the others. “But your mother insisted, so here you are Filet.”
“You don’t sound very happy about it.” Filet frowned.
“Don’t say that Filet, I love you!” Fluttershy said before looking away. “I just don’t love what you do. Animals have feelings Filet, it hurts to die.”
“I told you all the animals I use have equine deaths, non of them feel a thing for more than a second. I use a bolt gun-” Fluttershy cut her daughter off.
“I don’t want to hear about how you kill animals Filet, I’d rather stay oblivious.” Fluttershy scowled and looked away.
“Please girls, let’s not do this right now. I can’t stand to see you two argue.” Rarity said softly.
“How about we change the topic? These tea cakes look pretty good.” Twilight said as she levitated a small cake to her mouth and took a bite. “Mmm, Butterscotch!”
“Mew?” Filet’s cat jumped up to the couch and pawed at Twilight.
“Not you Butterscotch.” Twilight laughed. Filet and Spike giggled and Fluttershy cracked a smile.
Author’s Notes: ‘Equine death’ = ‘humane death’
I am damn proud of those couches.