She’s so cute!
Name: Galaxia
Nicknames: Gala, Gali
Mother: Trixie
Father: Ursa Minor
Gender: Mare
Age: 22
Love Interest: Cursed Lullaby
Siblings: Copper Shilling (Half-Brother), Columba (Half-Sister), Captured Essence (Half-Sister)
Family: Ursa Major (Uncle), Prince Blueblood (Father-In-Law),Princess Astelle (2nd Aunt(?), Princess (Queen) Celestia (2nd Aunt(?), Princess (Queen) Luna (2nd Aunt(?), Nightmare Moon (2nd Aunt(?), King Thorax (2nd Uncle(?), Queen Chrysalis (3rd Aunt), Prince Shadow (2nd Uncle(?), King Sombra (2nd Uncle(?), Cursed Lullaby (Aunt), Prince Ichor (Uncle), Princess Hemera (Aunt), Prince Chromium (Uncle), Princess Chrysocolla (2nd Aunt)*, Prince Umbra (Uncle), Princess Windilu (Aunt), Princess Ying (Aunt), Prince Yang (Uncle)
Mane Color: Blue with lighter highlights
Coat Color: Traffic Blue
Eye Color: Light purple
Cutie Mark: A constellation surrounded by stars
Residence: Ponyville
Occupation: N/A
Personality: Studious and quiet, Galaxia tries to make herself seem as “normal” as possible. She cannot talk like any other pony.
Biography: W.I.P
The * means they’re not related by blood