Skypie: Not a crack ship. These two were like automatic best friends in the movie and honestly I don’t see Pinkie really caring that she’s dating a princess. Don’t think Sky would care either lol.
Flutterspike: Okay so, I actually started to ship this after I seeing a nsfw drawing of them lol, I’m not into clop but I don’t like putting on parental controls so oof on my part. On the other hand, I started to think about this ship. Fluttershy is kind, caring, pretty laid-back and attentive. She does however have a backbone when points is that her and Spike are pretty similar (besides the shyness) I think that it’s entirely possible Flutters would be there when Spike finally realized the thing with Rarity wasn’t ever going to go anywhere (No hate towards Rarispike shippers!) She’d be there to listen as a friend and nothing more, and they’d grow closer as friends…yada yada you know the rest!
Discolight: Honestly, this was probably the first thing I ever shipped and my love for this ship has only grown. Even in canon Discord loves to mess with Twilight, because she can keep up with him. They challenge each other and are pretty much polar opposites. Which is exactly why it’s so fun to ship them. Twi is the princess of friendship and Discord is Fluttershy’s best friend so of course they’d eventually have to spend some time together.
Dashlestia: At this point I feel like the only person to ship this but whatever I’m not stopping anytime soon. I see Dash as someone who could help Celestia come out of her shell and bring out her playful joker side that she tends to keep behind a mask. At the same time Celestia would help keep Dash calm and learn to be more true to herself. Also it’s adorable.
Cappity: Hahahaha do I even have to say anything? Didja see the movie? They fit purrfect together (I’ll just show myself out…) There’s also the fact Rarity owns a cat, can you imagine the awkward? Also hybrid cat pony babies 10/10
Shiningjack: Ohhhh kayyy, so I already know people are going to hate me for shipping this, but honestly I think Shiny would be the best stallion for AJ! Hear me out: he’s hardworking, strong sense of justice, gentlecolt, but he also likes to have fun! The canon pairing of Shiny and Cadence I just… find really boring… Despite being a royal guard idk, I feel like Shining Armor would be much happier being able to adventure and do things rather than stand around all day…also baby mama drama, Twilight becoming a sister in law to AJ, and drunk AJ shamelessly flirting with Shiny.