Twilight’s star also acts as a compass, pinpointing the location of the Young Six and their kinds’ homelands. The Yaks (represented by Yona) are obviously from the north, and the Hippogriffs (represented by Silverstream) live in the far south. The Griffons (represented by Gallus) and the Dragons (represented by Smolder) both live in the neighboring continent east of Equestria, but the former dwell in the northeast while the latter take up refuge in the southeast. While the principality of the Ponies (represented by Sandbar) covers most of the central continent, they are positioned northwest, while the Changelings (represented by Ocellus) and their kingdom are positioned in the southwest, as they probably live in the Badlands, which is in southern Equestria.
I confess, I actually worked on this before the end of 2019, however, I didn’t like the vectors I chose. Once I made my own vectors of the Young Six, they seemed to fit perfectly. Of course what held me back from uploading this was my uncertainty. But then, I decided to go on ahead and upload this today.
I hope you guys love this, and enjoy the meaning behind this. I feel as of though this is what harmony had in mind for all creatures in the world of My Little Pony.