Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay/Demisexual
Age: 19
Special talent: Painting, modern art
Nicknames: Darky, pipsqueak (by LB), DS
Special somepony: [none]
Parents: Rainbow Dash and Soarin’
Likes: Reading, painting, approval from Dash, vanilla cupcakes
Small Bio:
Since he was small, he tried to follow in his brothers hoofsteps- but he just couldn’t. His wings weren’t as strong, leading him to come in third, fifth… last. Needless to say he was in his brothers shadow for most of his life and found solice in painting his feelings, which is where he got his cutiemark. Rainbow tried to be supportive but just couldn’t form a bond with her younger son, leading him to seek out a maternal bond in his friends, to which fe found in Ambrosia. They talk to each other from time to time, but with Ambrosia taking over they havent had much time together.