Pinkie’s home life and early childhood were decent; her father was a bit stern but he cared about all his daughters, and both of her parents worked hard to make sure they were all cared for, even though life on the rock farm wasn’t always easy. She still writes home fairly often.
She’s possibly the most well-adjusted of all her friends at this point.
She’s still pretty high-energy at an older age but has kind of chilled out a bit.
As ponies age, their fur begins to gray (particularly around the muzzle) and their manes become slightly less vibrant.
She now runs Sugarcube Corner on her own, having inherited it from the Cakes (who are now retired), with the help of a couple of apprentices.
She’s married to Princess Skystar and the two of them have four children together. Skystar isn’t an only child/the heir to the throne in this AU, so she was able to move in with Pinkie in Ponyville, and they’ll usually return to visit Seaquestria every so often for a couple weeks at a time.
She’s a lesbian.