This time, we have sweet, timid Fluttershy as the gentle giant, Hawkeye Gough. My reason for this choice, is because Gough is such a tender, gentle soul that is unlikely to hurt anyone outside of battle, but when needs to can wreck with power and accuracy! I feel this fits Fluttershy as we know she’s obviously nice and tender, but if pushed enough can react quite strongly. I also couldn’t undermine a very important part of Gough’s current life, imprisoned and blinded, where he simply carves away helpful tools, infinite amounts of faces that allow communication in a time where this is uncommon. This reminded me in a way of Fluttershy as seen in the IDW comic My Little Pony: Micro-Series #4, where we see Fluttershy’s secret Chamber of Extreme Knitting, where she spends her free time knitting away pieces of art to express things she cannot say aloud. That is why I reimagined Goughershy as a gentle giant, slowly but dutifully knitting away the “carvings”, with simple text as a comparison to the words magically exuded upon breaking Gough’s wooden faces.
If you like the idea, you can check the other parts of the series here: