Full Name: Cake Pop Cheesy-Tot PieParents: Friendship Ambassador Pinkie Pie and Cheese SandwichMini Bio: Poppy is everything you would expect Pinkie’s daughter to be; friendly, a good baker, and always up for a laugh! She can cook, clean, plan parties, and entertain foals all at the same time. The only odd thing? She’s a unicorn! If you ask Pinkie how that happened she acts a bit defensive about it, ah well…cheese doesn’t seem to mind. Funny that both Pinkie and Maud had unicorn kids from earth pony fathers, isn’t it? Ironcially, Poppy is good friends with Jink and Mara, often taking the blame for their antics. Poppy doesn’t mind, she’s just happy to be included.base:
(some of you may remember this baby from awhile ago ;>)
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