:iconandoanimalia: :iconsaysplz: Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, Twily. Heart
Misc Emoji-13 (Heart) [V1] Misc Emoji-13 (Heart) [V1] Misc Emoji-13 (Heart) [V1]Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!!!Misc Emoji-13 (Heart) [V1] Misc Emoji-13 (Heart) [V1] Misc Emoji-13 (Heart) [V1]
Love is in the air! My very best pony friend, Twilight Sparkle :iconmlpofficial-twilight: MLP Emote Twilight Sparkle Ecstasy Coquettish Coy, and I are celebrating this beautiful day. Love Once again, she is my very special somepony, and I’m very happy that she did. And I guess she’s happy about that too judging by her mood and expression. MLP Emote Twilight Sparkle Bedroom Eyes Sexy Heart Maybe she’s just playing along with the holiday, I don’t know. But I will always love our adorkable purple smart book pony, as friend and love. Love :iconbigheartplz:
I really loved that smile she gave to Tempest Shadow in the movie, so I decided to go Movie style. I had some difficulty in deciding the font, but I consented last night. However, I struggled with our close-up. But I consented to this too. Sweating a little…
I hope you all love this and have a Happy Valentine’s Day and Hearts and Hooves Day