Originally posted on: Jan 20, 2018
The third page, which I drew in October last year.
- Fierce - An older concept design for Pixie.
- Mysterious - Hooded Pixie, an older concept design
- Fat - Metro Bling admires a sea of money and valuables. (Since apparently “fat” is slang for being filthy rich in some places in America)
- Graceful - Ballerina Pixie, an older concept design
- Filthy - Der… “Muffins”, who has crash-landed in some mud.
- Cloud - Der… “Ditzy Doo”, who is floating around inside a cloud
- Deep - Pufferfish Spike, attempting to swim back up to the surface (I had not seen the MLP movie when I drew this so there’s no context to this whatsoever)
(Plus a bonus happy Pixie)Next page: Luna!
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