I created the remaining elements seen, excluding the paint brush, within this particular image. I’m not sure if that qualifies me as an artist or not, so…
Please, calm down, Derpy.
PS: Yes, I know it isn’t a prefect recreation. Oh, and I haven’t found the brush vector yet and that’s why it isn’t included with a link.
Which is a fucking shit, because I tried to evade the best possible the violation of the rules, and he done it anyway. Is this the kind of people that have the power in the site? I can’t believe there’s still people who don’t understand.
The truth is that boomer of Derpy Whooves I have realized that he gets angry very easily 😂
One thing that makes me laugh of he is that ridiculous detective medal that he invented, I suppose it will be his only achievement in his pathetic life 😂
He’s always behaved like this, he just got worse at hiding it.
I don’t know what to think about a man with the same age of my parents behaving like we have seen lately to be honest.
It’s true 😅, that loser guy is already an old man 😂
Did you delete a comment on Derpy Whooves, the most obnoxious 40-year-old I’ve ever seen in Derpibooru?
Who should leave? Me? If so, what did I do… this time?
And the others too.